Welcome To Your New Happy Place.

The Parlour itself is an intentional callback to a more antiquated ambiance, before modernization and minimalism began to dominate aesthetics. It’s the perfect haven for our little coven of ink witches.

Revel in our vintage decor and spooky treasures while you visit!

You’re In Good Company.

All parlour artists are some combination of neurodivergent, queer, or just plain weird, so creating a safe and accessible space is a high priority.

The talented humans at Devereaux’s strive to make sure all their clients’ encounters are gentle, pleasant, and unpretentious; tattoos can be stressful and abrasive on a physical level, so there’s no reason why they should be the same on a social level!

Get Cozy. We’ll Do The Rest.

Devereaux’s also offers sensory-friendly things like snacks, beverages, stress balls, and fidget toys; as well as a comfortable lobby where you can watch TV while you wait.

Want to get a tattoo, but feeling indecisive? Try your hand at the shop’s Get What You Get Tattoo Gumball Machine!